
Voujon indian restaurant logo

Welcome to an Authentic Indian Restaurant

The word “voujon” is from the ancient Bangla language and means “invitation to dine”.
Our staff have many years of experience in providing the finest food and wines in the King’s Lynn area. You will always receive a warm welcome and we look forward to your company.

Voujon king's lynn indian restaurant seats

The 52 seater restaurant has the genuine atmosphere of a traditional curry house where you are able to enjoy the tasty and unique flavours of traditional indian food with the added bonus of having the excellent dishes delivered to your home.

We cater for:

If you book a large party, the celebrating person will receive a free meal

The Epicurean will find more than curries in our cuisine. We call nothing a Curry that does not blend at least a dozen individual all flavours of herbs and freshly ground spices into a piquant whole, and a meal that lacks half a score of these is not one to be offered to anyone.

The dishes we present to you are prepared with the addition of fragrant, warm and pungent spices from Indian Delicately blended in meticulous proportions.

The distinctive flavour and aroma of each individual dish cannot come from the rancid ambiguity called powder, but from the spices separately prepared each day.

king's lynn indian restaurant invitation to diner
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